On June 22nd at 7 p.m., the 27th annual Haunted America Conference in Alton, Illinois, witnessed a groundbreaking moment in Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC) with the premiere of PRISM*. This innovative methodology, introduced during the Shadows in the Static workshop at Troy Taylor’s American Oddities Museum, promises to revolutionize how we perceive and interact with the unseen. This after-hours event, led by psychic medium April Slaughter and me, also featured a surprise guest appearance by Ryan Singer from the podcast Me and Paranormal You. The presentation drew a diverse audience eager to explore new horizons in ITC.
Setting the Stage: The Marriage of Mediumship and ITC
Before diving into the specifics of PRISM, it’s crucial to understand the backdrop of our presentation. At the Shadows in the Static workshop, we explored the synergy between mediumship and ITC, highlighting how intentional focus of consciousness is key to both methods. Without this conscious effort, neither method would be effective.
The Inevitability of Curiosity
Let’s consider the role we play when engaging with paranormal phenomena. Consciousness forms the bedrock of our universe, giving rise to all perceptions and experiences. It is a phenomenon that remains undefinable in its origins and ultimate potential. Ryan Singer aptly describes exploring the paranormal as a quest in consciousness, which he calls The Inevitability of Curiosity. He categorizes this journey into five stages: researcher, investigator, experimenter, experiencer, and believer. These stages guide your exploration of the unknown regardless of where you start — the stages are cyclical, interchangeable, and never-ending. Embracing this journey means reveling in the questions and the mysteries that consciousness presents. That’s the beauty of curiosity and our willingness to seek answers.

How does consciousness begin? Does it end? How can we use it to its fullest potential? And may the rise of technology assist in further harnessing our potential to pursue our understanding of consciousness and the paranormal?
Mediumship and Consciousness
You can’t discuss consciousness and the paranormal without addressing mediumship. Mediumship suggests that a medium’s consciousness can extend beyond their physical body and communicate with other intelligences, including entities and the deceased. Mediums often claim these gifts are inherent in everyone and can be developed with practice, much like muscles. This implies that consciousness has untapped potential which can be accessed and potentially harnessed, offering profound insights into the nature of existence, the afterlife, and the interconnectedness of all conscious beings. However, like all things, our abilities are not equal. Certain factors, such as genetics, always shackle us. Everyone can jump to a certain extent and sing, and we can improve these skills, but that doesn’t ensure we’ll ever dunk a basketball or perform an opera, just as not everyone will develop the same level of psychic prowess.
Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC) as Mediumship
I believe ITC can serve as a powerful tool for training our consciousness. When we use ITC, we strive to observe, contact, and communicate with an intelligence of unknown source and origin, much like mediumship. Typically, when one uses ITC, we believe our EVP response is from entities often labeled as spirits or ghosts — terms to define the indefinable as they are merely interpretations of consciousness through our devices or spirit mediums. It’s fascinating. I prefer to call discarnate intelligences — The Others, recognizing our symbiotic psychical relationship with them. In the broader perspective, it all points to a variety of consciousness, ours and theirs, which are available for contact. In ITC, we are attempting to extend our consciousness by using a device as a bridge to exchange information with a perceivably untethered ethereal intelligence.
I mean, let’s look at the big picture. The massive picture. Have you looked at maps of the cosmos? They look like a giant brain. Is it alive? There is a theory about that called cosmopsychism. Some physicists see particles as manifestations of quantum fields; thus, you could argue that these fields are the basic units of consciousness. This doesn’t necessarily mean the universe has the capacity for reflective thought. However, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t either — still, we need to ponder whether this fundamental mind could influence how the universe evolves, how it may impact us, or how we might affect it. So, potentially, we are conscious in a consciousness — a collective. Our reach of consciousness may be immeasurable! Possibly inter-dimensional — we don’t know. After all, globally, most folks inherently seem to accept that they have the ability to mentally send a message beyond some spiritual veil or out into the universe in prayer, or listen through meditation for a universal/divine response. Why is that? And who is the receiver or responder of our beseeching? Do our silver cords plug into the omnipotent, omniscient god brain?
Where were we? Oh yeah, ITC.
ITC and spirit mediumship go hand-in-hand. The two approaches can also be used to validate one another. I’ve done this with remote viewing sessions with April, utilizing her mediumship skills and one of my ITC devices for Skinwalker Ranch with astonishing results. I believe the more you work with both avenues of communication, the stronger your connection to these abilities becomes.
It makes me appreciate the theory of Mini-Box creator Ron Ricketts; he believed that spirit boxes were merely training wheels for people to exercise their inherent psychic abilities, and they would eventually not need the device. So, ITC is like taking your mediumship muscles to Planet Fitness.
PRISM — A New Frontier in ITC
All this talk of consciousness sets the stage for introducing PRISM. This new approach to ITC seems to tap into a plane of consciousness unlike anything I’ve experienced before. So you have a workshop of 60-plus strangers. Then you have me as the PRISM operator. Then there’s Ryan, who has had multiple experiences with PRISM in the field — and April, honing in on mediumistic messages. Plus, we’re in the Haunted Mineral Springs Hotel, which houses The American Oddities Museum, potentially chock-full of haunted objects. What more of a charged location to conduct an ITC session could you ask for? Although ITC can be performed anywhere when taking PRISM into the field, it seems special locations yield exceptional responses — and I don’t think it gets more unique than where we were set up.
Then came the introduction of the newest form of ITC, PRISM. To discuss PRISM, you must first address light. Light is ever-present in scientific, paranormal, and spiritual discussions. Others mention that light helps and, at times, is a source of trans-communication. Through internal insight, a metaphysical/spiritual perspective, and scientific prowess, PRISM is thought to be a possible medium by which intelligent communication can be transmitted and received by dispatching and engaging varying fundamental frequencies and harmonics of the prism light spectrum. Frequency and vibration are everywhere and literally define our very reality as the backbone of existence. Exploring light and sound is accomplished by combining hardware and software to engage, identify, interpret, and analyze specific frequencies within the spectrum.
PRISM — A Revolutionary Approach to ITC
PRISM is a novel method for Direct Voice ITC developed by my friend and wizard Joshua Sean, PhD. of Zero-G ITC. To my knowledge, it is the world’s first technique of this kind. The PRISM method takes an analogous prism and re-creates light frequencies in a unique digital process, creating a condition where communication may occur. This technology allows ITC operators to “hear” the colors of the prism, creating a unique sound condition conducive to intelligent trans-communication.
To lay the foundation for this, PRISM utilizes proprietary algorithms that search for and eliminate frequencies, spectral noise, and other “imperfections” that may cover up or mangle vocals. By removing problematic obstacles within the noise palette based on collected data science, PRISM creates an environment conducive to intelligent trans-communication to proliferate.
PRISM does not “hunt” or “search” for voices within the prismatic light spectrum. Instead, it does the complete opposite. PRISM is a method of organic Instrumental Trans-Communication that utilizes components and methods free of external or outside contamination. Technologically, PRISM omits radio receivers and antennas, is entirely offline (not connected to the Internet), contains no word or phoneme banks, and is self-contained — all of this helps reduce false positives and create a soundscape for conversational instrumental trans-communication to occur.
Guess what, folks? ITC is real, and it is wild.
Collaborative Nature of ITC Research
How did PRISM become a thing? It all started with a dream of piloting a new method of intelligent trans-communication via Direct Voice. I contacted Joshua to discuss the possibility, and with his expertise, PRISM was born. Joshua created an analog prism emulation based on a career researching and engineering “controlled-chaos” ITC systems theory. The technology and method revealed early signs of success, and the project moved forward as PRISM — ITC’s first analog prism emulation.
The technological roots of PRISM trace back to the mid-2000s when Joshua began experimenting with audio dithering applications for Electronic Voice Phenomena and Direct Voice Instrumental Trans-Communication applications. As technology progressed, exploration into the light spectrum became more accessible due to powerful computer hardware and sophisticated software. This collaboration has been an incredible success for ITC research!
So, How Did PRISM Perform?
PRISM performed brilliantly. It is definitely on par with where it should be at this stage of development. As an early prototype, the responses came through to where I heard them, as did the audience. One audience member felt that she heard a message from her deceased husband. We heard our names, responses in French and German, historical names, and ghost lore relevant to Mineral Springs. The Others came through and even mentioned that the former manager of the Mineral Springs, David Nunnally, is missed (reportedly Dave is thankfully alive). April had exciting exchanges with PRISM and exhibited her gifts as well. So, for a public debut, I was beyond thankful The Others did not fail to show up.
Here is some audio from the workshop. Unfortunately, the audio did not record directly from my system at the moment, so this audio is from a microphone in the room. It is not the best representation of the session, but you will get the gist of how incredible the night went.
The Future of PRISM
The premiere of PRISM at the Haunted America Conference marked a significant milestone in ITC. This innovative approach offers a new way to engage with and understand consciousness, pushing the boundaries of paranormal research. PRISM is a testament to the relentless curiosity of the paranormal and technological advancements that drive our quest to comprehend the universe’s hidden dimensions — despite the possibility that reality is not only weirder than we believe, it's weirder than we can possibly imagine.
In conclusion, the launch of PRISM isn’t just a step forward for ITC — it’s a leap toward a deeper understanding of how connected we are, beyond our physical selves, to everything and everyone. The journey is far from over, and with each new experiment and insight, we edge closer to shedding light upon the secrets that lie beyond the static. I’m thrilled to continue this exploration with Joshua and you all, and I can’t wait to see what we discover next as PRISM develops.
— M. D. Jackson
1. Cardoso, Anabela. Electronic Voices: Contact with Another Dimension?. O Books, 2010.
2. Goff, Philip. Galileo’s Error: Foundations for a New Science of Consciousness. Pantheon Books, 2019.
3. Nagel, Thomas. Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False. Oxford University Press, 2012.
4. Cardoso, Anabela. “ITC: Why Are Some Investigators More Successful than Others?” ITC Journal, 2021.
* PRISM, including all related names, logos, and processes, is protected under copyright laws and is currently patent pending. This proprietary method is owned and engineered by Joshua Sean, PhD, of Zero-G ITC. It is exclusively showcased and presented by Zero-G ITC and Matthew D. Jackson of Obscura Vox ITC, PARAHOLICS, and all associated social media platforms.